

Exercise #2 had me pulling out a card from a deck and placing it somewhere unexpected and documenting it with my cell camera. I pulled out the Jack of clubs. My first thought was to scratch out the face with my x-acto knife and put some scratches throughout the card. I took the part of a bitter ex-girlfriend, showing my ex exactly how I felt. What better place to stick the card than the “Men” sign by the bathrooms? The scratches weren’t obvious enough so I used a sharpie too.
*side note–I’m not as bitter as my photo would lead you to believe*

Reading #2, my questions.

1.  How can an artist make sure that the context they are attempting to represent, it the context his/her audience also sees?


2. If a piece of “trash” put up on a wall in a gallery is considered art, why aren’t more people artists?  If all they need to do is dig through their trash and call it “found art”?


Technical Exercise #1

I had a little too much fun with this one.  I had my photo all ready to go, then decided to play a little more.  My first photo was taken from a photo series I started in 2010 called “Where is Dobby?”  This was the first photo in the series, and one of my favorites.  I opened the photo and used “Command-Shift-4” a few times to zoom in on Dobby’s face and over-pixelize it.  I then opened iphoto and played around with some of the settings.  My result was pretty creepy, but I really like it!


After having so much fun with that one, I decided to see what I could do to my current Facebook profile photo.  My mom and I take a ballet class together and we took a fun photo together at our last recital.  Using the .txt/.jpg switching technique, I ended up with two photos that I really liked.  I know the assignment was to do only one photo, but I couldn’t decide which one to turn in.  🙂
