Last three projects in 2D

Project 4 had us learning how to carve stamps out of carving blocks.  We had to pick one image to carve and stamp it on a ground of choice a certain number of times (I don’t remember the exact number).  I chose canvas grounds partly because they are really easy to work with, partly because they are cheap to buy…and mostly because I seem to have a ton of them already in my art supplies.  🙂

I researched a few ideas, it had to be something that was meaningful to us.  Remembered that my Mom had once told us that we were part Welsh on our Dad’s side so I did some googling on “Welsh Symbols” and found the coolest dragon that is on the Welsh flag, as well as the daffodil with the lemon grass.  I designed my stamp in the image of the dragon and used colored pencils for the flowers.  I made it as a collage, four grounds placed together to form one piece.


Project 5 was teaching us how to do image transfers onto a ground.  I decided to have a little bit of fun with this one.  I went with the “I love music” theme.  The lyrics pasted in the background are all songs that either still are, or were in the past, considered theme songs for me.  Every song has some sort of meaning in my life and holds a memory or two with it.  The lyrics written in marker and swirling around and off the canvas are songs that I love to sing when I’m doing my karaoke.  The photo in the middle…well I think that’s kind of self explanatory.  🙂


Our final project, I believe was supposed to be some sort of self portrait, but I don’t remember the exact assignment.  This one I honestly put no thought into and had fun listening to what my classmates and teacher had to say about it.  I had decided the night before what I was doing, and was going to leave it up to everyone else to decide what it meant.  I admit to taking full advantage of finally having a teacher who thought I could do no wrong.  🙂  I did a lot of nodding and smiling during critique that morning.  “Yep, that’s exactly what I meant when I put that there”.  🙂


What do you think it means?