
Project 1 had me frustrated beyond belief.  I don’t do well with being center of attention, I have a fear of getting in trouble, and I was worried this project was going to do both.  I wanted to choose a project in which I could get it put up when no one was really around, but people would eventually come upon it and enjoy it.  I chose earth art for this reason.  My original plan was to go on a hike during the week and and do some rock paintings along the path.  Then it got cold.  And it snowed.  Well crap.

Ok, next idea…still on the earth art idea, so I googled “snow art” and found this:


Yay!  That is something I could do!  I’m not the best at sculpting, but I knew I could easily sculpt a pig, one of my favorite animals.  My new plan was to go to Observatory Park in Denver and make this pig, not on a pole, but on the ground.  I had this great plan to build this pig, and clear out the snow around it in a design, and paint the pig using spray bottles filled with colored water.

I got to the park and it was so cold that the snow wouldn’t stick together.  Well double crap.

Not wanting to completely give up and take an F on this assignment, I took my spray bottles over to the picnic tables and started “painting”.  I had this beautiful design in my head, and it would have turned out great had my purple actually been purple and not brown…and my green bottle actually stayed in one piece and not break in the middle of spraying table #2…at least my blue worked, right?

Or so I thought.  I ran back to my car to snap some photos of my “work” and snapped some photos of the tables and the bench and the few footprints in the snow that I painted.

Once my fingers defrosted, I loaded the photos onto my laptop and to my dismay, I could barely make out what I had done.  Sad day Liz, sad day.

When I had finished decorating the tables, I loved the way the shadows played with the colors.  There was a dying balloon on the second table that I had painted a design around.  I’m very disappointed that my photos did not reflect this.

I know that a huge part of artwork is the process, and I definitely learned a lot during this process.  Practice spraying water bottles with gloves on.  Test the colors on something white before heading out.  Spray more color before moving on.  Spray things that are in the sun, not in the shadows.







And this is when the bottle broke.


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